Saturday, October 30, 2010

Down 2.4

I was very excited to see a 2.4 loss on the scale this morning. I am very happy to report that I kept up my momentum today as well. I did a quick resistance training workout and then I ran a mile. I felt amazing. My arms are a little sore right now though :) My eating was great until dinner. I was so hungry. I know better! But I had my yummy soup, and then ate 4 fish sticks. Which wasn't so bad. But Neika had a fundraiser that I bought cookie dough from. I promised her we would make cookies. I have had 5. Now they aren't very big, but 5 is a lot more than I have had in over a week. And way more than I needed.

I am tired tonight, so this is about as much thought as I can put into a blog tonight. Sorry! I should be back to my chipper self tomorrow :)